🖥️Exception Handling

All about Exception Handling shortcut.

Equip Safurai with the capacity to anticipate, identify, and respond to issues within your code. By crafting a resilient error-handling structure, you can minimize the potential disruptions and instabilities in your software, making it robust and reliable.

Request: Integrate a try/catch error handling structure into the following code:

Safurai suggestion:

Certainly! Here's the modified code with try/catch error handling structure:

function displaySelection(player, selection, result) {
  try {
    if (player === 'player') {
      playerSelect.innerHTML = `<i class="fas fa-hand-${selection}"></i>`;
      if (result === "Player won!") {
        playerSelect.style.color = 'green';
        compSelect.style.color = 'red';
    } else {
      compSelect.innerHTML = `<i class="fas fa-hand-${selection}"></i>`;
      if (result === "Computer won!") {
        compSelect.style.color = 'green';
        playerSelect.style.color = 'red';
    if (result === 'Draw!') {
      compSelect.style.color = '';
      playerSelect.style.color = '';
  } catch (error) {

function scoreBoard(result) {
  try {
    if (result === "Player won!") {
      pScore.innerText = playerScore;
      cScore.innerText = computerScore;
    } else if (result === "Computer won!") {
      pScore.innerText = playerScore;
      cScore.innerText = computerScore;
    } else {
      return false;
  } catch (error) {

I've added try blocks to both functions and catch blocks to handle any errors that may arise during execution. If an error occurs, it will be logged to the console.

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